Honest Opinions From Real People It works fantastic! My dad was able to go out and pick up a snowblower by himself, no ramps or pushing needed. Kirk All and Awl Repair I love that I can have my tailgate back when I don’t need the liftgate. Ruiz Hortau Whether it’s a drum of acid or an irrigation pump, having a LiftGator removable liftgate makes my days in the field 5x easier. Keith Watson Ag Irrigationt Being able to add a liftgate to any of our trucks is invaluable, saving the company time and money. ThomasRamirez Custom Construction One guy can move anything from toolboxes to race motors. SimonSigler Motorsports Solutions Safety is a priority with everything we do. For us, the LiftGator is really a no brainer. DaveBay Area Rapid Transit Keep on Vehicle Long-term, Share Among Vehicles, or Easily Store When Not in Use. 3 Minutes to Heavy Lifting Don't Modify Your Valuable Vehicle! Get a LiftGator! No vehicle Modificaitons Needed! Get Your Removable Shareable Liftgate